If you already own a Raspberry Pi and you already know the IP address of your Raspberry Pis, you can skip this step. If this is not the case, you can download the current operating system from the website. You will find many detailed instructions on how to set it up on the Internet, which is why we do not want to go into it further in this How-To. Start your Raspberry Pi and open the terminal first. Enter the following command: ifconfig
BoyfriendTV is an adults-only website!BoyfriendTV.com is strictly limited to those over 18 or of legal age in your jurisdiction, whichever is greater.One of our core goals is to help parents restrict access to BoyfriendTV for minors, so we have ensured that BoyfriendTV is, and remains, fully compliant with the RTA (Restricted to Adults) code. This means that all access to the site can be blocked by simple parental control tools. It is important that responsible parents and guardians take the necessary steps to prevent minors from accessing unsuitable content online, especially age-restricted content.Anyone with a minor in their household or under their supervision should implement basic parental control protections, including computer hardware and device settings, software installation, or ISP filtering services, to block your minors from accessing inappropriate content.To enter BoyfriendTV you must be 18 or older\n\n","confirmButtonText":"I'm 18 or older \u2014 Enter","parentalControlUrl":"\/documents\/parental-control\/","parentalControlText":"Read more about how to protect your minors"}; var Userdata = Object.freeze( id: 0,noAds: 0,isAmateur: 0,isPaying: 0,keyboardNavigation: (1 === 1), ); var adblock = square: " ", wide: " -wide.png", var LangJs = base: 'add': "Add",'confirmDiscard': "Discard changes?",'login': "Ingrese",'lostPassword': "Recover Password",'save': "Guardar",'cancel': "Cancelar",'noContent': "No hay contenido para mostrar.",'viewAll': "Ver todo",'delete': "borrar",'loading': "Loading...",'done': "Done",'create': "Create",'added': "Agregado",'removed': "eliminado",'remove': "Remove",'confirm': "Confirm",'yesProceed': "Si, proceda!",'areYouSure': "Estás seguro de que quieres proceder?",'youcantrevert': "You will not be able to revert this!",'yesDelete': "Si, borrar!",'uploading': "Uploading ...",'pictureSaved': "Your picture was saved",'error': "Error",'ok': "OK",'here': "here",'close': "cerrar",'modelPlaceHolder': "Escribe el nombre del modelo",userClass: verified: "Usuario verificado",amateur: "Modelo verificado",bronze: "Suscriptor de bronce",silver: "Silver subscriber",gold: "Gold subscriber",platinum: "Platinum subscriber",, amateurs: 'allDocuments': "Toda la información proporcionada es válida y verdadera?", 'deleteDocuments': "Todos los documentos serán eliminados!", 'somethingnotfilled': "Algo no esta lleno", 'controluploaded': "Por favor, controle si ha subido todos los documentos.", 'agreementMissing': "Falta el acuerdo" , registration: 'loginError': "The username must be between 3 and 26 characters.", 'passwordError': "The password must be between 3 and 32 characters.", 'emailError': "La dirección de e-mail introducido no es válido o su proveedor de correo electrónico está bloqueando nuestros e-mails. Lo recomendamos para cambiar su dirección de correo electrónico a Gmail.", 'errEmpty': "I am: Must not be empty", 'ageConfirm': "Are you sure about your age?", 'captchaError': "The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Please try it again.", 'termsError': "You must agree to the registration terms.",'fillInfo': "Please fill in required fields.", ,timeago: 'now': "En este momento",'minutes': "Hace %s minutos",'hour': "Hace %s hora",'hours': "Hace %s horas",'day': "Hace día %s",'days': "Hace días %s",'month': "Hace %s meses",'months': "Hace %s meses",'year': "Hace %s año",'years': "Hace %s años", verification: 'verified': "Usuario verificado" ,comments: 'delete': "Eliminar este comentario",'noContent': "No hay comentarios. Sé el primero!",'submit': "Publicar un comentario",'agree': "Estar de acuerdo",'disagree': "Discrepar",'report': "Report this comment",'reply': "reply",'showReplies': "Show replies",'hideReplies': "Hide replies",'reported': "Comment was reported",'alreadyReported': "You have already reported this comment",'loginText': 'Usted debe estar logueado para escribir comentarios. Por favor, Ingrese o Únete ahora (gratis)',chat: 'noContent': "No hay contenido para mostrar.",'you': "Your",'admin': "Administrators",'online': "Users Online",'btnUsers': "Users",'btnRefresh': "reload page",'btnReport': "Report",'input': "Your comment...",notification: 'all': "View All Notifications",'noContent': "No new notifications",playlists: 'added': "Añadido a lista de reproducción", 'addInfo': "No playlists found. Please ADD a new playlist.",'modalTitle': "Add video to your playlist",'search': "Buscar",'manage': "Manage Playlists",,oldBrowser:'downloadChrome': "Video streaming is not supported on Windows XP download and install Chrome browser",,tags:'exceeded': "Number of tags exceeded",; if (document.location.href.match(/.*\.boyfriendtv.com\/.*/gi) == null) document.body.style.display = 'none'; Subir
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